
the-keys-to-the-kingdom1The Matthew 16:18 Group is open to you or any Christian hungering for a deeper, richer, more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus.  You by no means have to be ready to be Catholic nor even be considering it seriously.  Just open.  Once you see what the Bible says about the Church and hear how it can transform you, you will feel good about joining us.  So if you want to find a place to test the Spirits (1 John 4:1), come.  We promise this:  You will hear things you never heard before, see things you never considered, and feel very much like your own journey is being guided in a new and refreshing way.

The Bible states clearly that Jesus Christ founded a church. But not just any church. Christ founded His Church. Where is that Church today, and does the question even matter? The Matthew 16:18 Group presents the Biblical and historical evidence that The Roman Catholic Church is indeed the very Church founded by Christ.

You may be one who is challenged by Jesus’ clear call to eat his flesh (John 6: 53).  Or it could be that you are asking the question  “If the Catholic Church is the Church Jesus founded, can I then remain indifferent?”  Maybe you feel the Holy Spirit is already prompting you, calling you home to the church. Or it could be that deep in your soul you know that Christian unity really does matter (John 17:21-23). Or perhaps you have an inner battle with sin and wonder if the sacrament of confession can set you free (John 20:23).  It might be that you are in a spiritual desert that you can’t escape and are desperate for a deeper touching by the Lord.  The Bible says that the Church itself is the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). If this is so, it follows that you need to investigate these claims.


Maps to the two different meeting locations are below. Click on the image to enlarge and then save or print. If you need further help, feel free to click the “questions” link below the header on the site.

Couples’ Group                                                                 Men’s Group

3132 Riverwood Court                                                      885 Commerce Dr.,  Suite A

Perrysburg, OH  43551                                                     Perrysburg, OH  43551


Men’s Group…

Thursday Mornings
7:00AM – 8:00AM

Beginning March 5, 2009 meeting through April 23, 2009

885 Commerce Dr.
Suite A
Perrysburg, OH  43551

Couples’ Group…

Tuesday Evenings During Lent
7:30PM, beginning 3/3/2009

Hosted By:
Jeff and Maria Barefoot
3121 Riverwood Court
Perrysburg, OH  43551


librarybooksWho Says So?
Solo Scriptura and my right to interpret the Bible

Catholic Bibles / Protestant Bibles:
Authority Revisited

The Holy Eucharist:
Profound Intimacy and the Sacramental Power

Upon This Rock and The Keys To The Kingdom:
Skip-over Verses

By Who’s Authority?
Ordained Priests and Called Ministers

Biblical Teaching on Mortal Sins:
Healing Power of The Sacrament of Confession

The Pope Goes To Confession:
What Infallibility Is and How It Helps Your Faith

If You Died Tonight:
Purgatory In Scripture and Tradition

And In My Hour Of Darkness…
Mary From Genesis To Revelation

Jesus Is Not A Polygamist:
Schism, Unity and The Bride of Christ